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How does it work?

The solution is injected into the fat layer of the body with a needle.

The injected product works to break down the fat cells in the treated area, it essentially disrupts the cell membranes, causing them to release their stored fat content.

Fat Dissolving Injections

Lemon Bottle®





This treatment is perfect for those clients who are not looking to take the increased steps of invasive surgery such as liposuction, it will help with the dissolving of stubborn fat in the subcutaneous layers of localised pockets of fat.

It is not suitable for the dissolving of visceral fat and therefore it is not an alternative option to weight loss.

It is more suitable for the need to contour and help with the loss of stubborn hard to work on areas of the body.

Minimally invasive / non-surgical option for fat reduction.


Almost instant results. Although swelling is to be expected, results can start to be seen within day. Best results are seen after a course of 2 or more sessions and a time frame of 6-8 weeks.


Minimal downtime, mild redness, swelling and bruising typically resolved within 72 hours.


Cost effective in comparison to other fat reduction treatments, such as liposuction.


Results take time to manifest themselves and a course of 3-6 may be required to see the maximum effects of this treatment.


Although in general on a fit and healthy person, fat dissolving is a relatively safe and effective treatment to use. There are of course some things to consider that may stop or alter the way in which we do this treatment.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding - It is never advised to complete any form of fat loss treatment on a pregnant or feeding mother. Studies show breast feeding can aid in the loss of fat in woman in the tummy and hips. Treatment can be carried out 3 months post birth for non-feeding mothers.

Not suitable on people under 18 and not advised on people over 60 as results may not be as effective.

Lipodystrophy (where the body is unable to produce fat).

Lipoedema is an abnormal build up of fat often in the legs and sometimes found in the arms also. Cause is often unknown and liposuction is the only effective way of removal of this stubborn fat. Liver and kidney disease or disorders.


Thyroid disorders.

Permanent use of anticoagulants.

Skin disease and disorders in the target area - psoriasis, eczema, scabies etc.

Scar tissue - Do not treat in scar tissue area until 6 months post healing.

Infectious blood conditions - HIV, Aids and hepatitis.

Current infection or illness.

For the use of excessive weight loss.

GP advice may need to be sought.

Common Side Effects

Inflammation of the treatment area is to be expected.

Some degree of pain or discomfort during the process and for an average of 2-4 hours post treatment.

Tenderness to the treatment area for up to 7 days post treatment.

Light bruising.


Occasionally nodules can be felt under the skin for up to 5 days where the product is deposited.


This includes avoiding alcohol for 72 hours post service.

Increasing water intake to at least 1.5ltrs of water non carbonated for 3 days pre service and 7 days post.

No anti-inflammatory drugs for at least 72 hours post treatment. Taking these will adverse the effects of the product as the process is to inflame and destroy the fat cells. If anti-inflammatory drugs are taken, this will massively effect the outcome of your treatment

Avoid touching the treatment area for up to 6 hours.

Wash with mild soap, do not scrub the area, just gentle dabbing for 3-5 days.

No sunbeds or spray tans for 7 days post treatment.

Use arnica cream if you feel necessary for 7 days to help reduce bruising.

Avoid blood thinners

Hot or cold compress can help reduce swelling.

Light mineral makeup can be worn after 24 hours. Avoid heavy makeup for 5 days post treatment.

No swimming for 3 days post treatment.

No sauna or steam for 3 days post treatment.

Repeat treatment after 4-6 weeks.

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