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Non-Surgical face lift

(Using Radio Frequency & Micro Current to lift & tighten the facial muscles)

Helps tighten sagging muscles and skin

Smoothes out fine lines and wrinkles

Micro-current stimulates facial muscles to tighten and lift the skin

For best result an intense weekly course and then monthly maintenance sessions

Our Non surgical face lift uses micro currents to stimulate cells,re-educate and tones the muscles, it also softens wrinkles.

It is non-invasive and non-abrasive.

Clients are recommended to have a course of treatments once or twice a week for approx. 6 weeks. This will re-tone the muscles and rejuvenate the skin. After this the client can have a maintenance treatment once a month.

With a surgical face lift, the muscles and skin are cut and stretched causing scars and scar tissue. Within a few years after a surgical lift, muscles and skin will again begin to sag. Our non surgical face lift is pain free, non invasive and effective.

Facial muscles feel and look firmer, and the appearance of wrinkles are reduced. It also helps to improve the tone and all the features of your face such as your eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin and skin.


You will not only see and feel the difference immediately, but so will everyone else!

This technology was featured on Oprah and has been sweeping the nation ever since. Called the “Non-Surgical face lift” 

Non Surgical Facelift after just ONE treatment

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