Radio Frequency
Assists the cavitation process
Smoothes cellulite
Tightens and lifts the skin
Is toning and gives wrinkle reduction
Areas that can be treated:
* Abdomen & Hips
* Upper Arms
* Buttocks
* Back
* Thighs
The Radio Frequency hand piece is used to assist the metabolism of large fat granuals previously ruptured by cavitation, assiting the liquid fat on its journey to the lymphatic system.
This treatment is aimed at both rupturing remaining fat cell membranes through cavitation, plus further forcing the excretion of triglycerides and skin tightening.
The radio frequencies heat the sub-dermis where cellulite is located creating a slimming, tightening effect on the cellulite tissues.
This immediately shortens the existing collagen fibres, thereby creating a tightening/lifting effect. It stimulates the fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin fibres, giving a separate skin tightening effect.
RF stimulates the adipocytes to release fat into the bloodstream. The collagen fibres are forced to contract by heating the dermis and subcutaneous layer simultaneously.
These contracting fibres will pull and tighten the skin, which creates an immediate effect of strengthening and thickening the collagen fibres, filling wrinkles and tightening the skin. Fibroblasts’ metabolism increases and produces new collagen fibres that is leaves a long term lifted effect.
When the RF energy gets into the deeper dermal layer, it causes the dermal layer of skin to thicken, decreasing wrinkle depth and leaving the skin firmer with defined contour giving a lifted effect.